Title I
Title I Contact
What is Title 1?
Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. The goal of Title I is a higher quality of education for every child. The program serves millions of children in elementary and secondary schools each year. Walton Middle School is a Title I school.
How does Title 1 work?
The federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I. The Florida Department of Education sends the money to the district. The school district identifies eligible schools and provides Title I funds. Walton Middle School implements a schoolwide program.
What is Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO)?
AMO is a measurement used to determine compliance with the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). States must develop annual measurable objectives (AMOs) that will determine if a school, district, or the state as a whole is making adequate yearly progress (AYP) toward the goal of having all students proficient in English language arts and mathematics by 2015-16. Targets include participation rate and percent proficient in reading, writing, and mathematics. Schools that receive Title I funds must meet their AMO goal each year or face consequences. If the school fails to meet AMO targets for two consecutive years the school is identified as in need of improvement. In 2014-2015, Walton Middle School was a B+ School.
What is the School Accountability Report Card?
School Public Accountability Report (SPAR) provides parents and the community with important information about each public school-–Demographic data –School safety and climate for learning information –Academic data–Graduation rates –Class sizes –Teacher and staff information –Curriculum and instruction descriptions –Postsecondary preparation information and –AYP information. It is available at the school office or website or online: FLDOE SPAR REPORT- WALTON MIDDLE SCHOOL
What do Parents have the Right to Know?
Parents can request and receive information on the qualifications of your child’s teachers; and be informed if your child is taught by a non-highly qualified teacher for four or more consecutive weeks.
How can parents become involved?
~ Walton Middle School will have activities and procedures for the involvement of parents. These activities and procedures will be planned and operated with meaningful consultation with parents.
~ Parents can be members of a variety of committees: District Advisory Council (DAC), Parent Advisory Council (PAC), and School Improvement Team. Our PAC assists in developing the Parent Involvement Plan and Family/Teacher/Student Compact, as well as determining how best to spend parent involvement funds.
~ WMS hosts a variety of Parent Involvement Activities that will give parents ideas to use when working with their children at home. These include: annual Title I meeting; academic parent trainings (Literacy, Math, and Science), transition meeting (Middle School Jump), and Parent Resource Center (PRC) trainings.